Amid new arrests of peaceful demonstrators in Belarus, Amnesty International claims that the pursuit of justice in the country is “hopeless”. A new report by...
Craig Turp-Balazs
Craig Turp-Balazs is the editor of Emerging Europe.
Coaches from outside Great Britain and Ireland are now commonplace in England’s Premier League, the richest in world football, but just 30 years ago they were...
Another day, another fire at a Romanian hospital: five people were killed early on January 29 in a blaze at an intensive care unit at an infectious diseases hospital in...
The UK government’s trade advisors are telling British businesses that export to the European Union to set up separate companies inside the EU in order to get...
The toxic, far-right Conservative People’s party (EKRE) no longer forms part of Estonia’s government. Repairing the damage it has done to the country’s reputation...
Estonia’s two largest parties agree to form a government led by Kaja Kallas, who is set to become the country’s first female prime minister. Kaja Kallas is...
In some countries of emerging Europe, Covid-19 vaccines are being wasted, while in others vaccines are few and far between. Technology is helping to ensure this precious...
Following the arrest of Alexei Navalny in Russia, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya says that she will need “international guarantees” before she can safely return to...
Good news stories might have been hard to come by in 2020, but in the midst of a challenging and tumultuous year, the European bison (Bison bonasus) has moved from...
In an effort to fill the breach left by Brexit, the UK government has increased to 30,000 the number of visas it will issue to seasonal agricultural workers. The visas...
A corruption scandal involving his Centre party has forced the Estonian prime minister, Jüri Ratas, to resign. The biggest losers, however, could be the far-right EKRE...
A lack of long-term solutions and safe routes to Europe has once again created a humanitarian crisis on the EU’s borders. A number of leading human rights...