
PKN Orlen latest firm to look at feasibility of Baltic Sea wind energy

Interest in offshore energy in the Baltic Sea are again the focus of investors, with Poland’s state-owned oil and gas giant PKN Orlen the latest company to announce that it is looking into the feasibility of a 1,200 MW wind farm.

An Orlen Group company, Baltic Power, is about to commence surveys to assess the environmental impacts and wind conditions within its offshore wind farm licence area in the Baltic Sea. “An agreement has been signed with a consortium comprising MEWO and the Maritime Institute of GdaΕ„sk with a view to obtaining an environmental permit for the project and determining the production potential of the planned offshore wind farm,” announced PKN Orlen in a statement.

β€œRenewable energy sources will continue to gain prominence, and we cannot afford to miss out on this opportunity for sustainable development. Therefore, we made low-emission energy generation a priority in our updated strategy. The agreement to conduct environmental and wind surveys is another step in our preparations for the construction of an off-shore wind project in the Baltic Sea,” said Daniel Obajtek, president of the PKN Orlen management board.

In May 2018, PKN Orlen assembled a team of specialists to prepare and implement an offshore wind project with a potential of up to 1,200 MW.

PKN Orlen now joins the likes of PGE, who announced in December 2018 that it is looking for business partners to develop a number of offshore wind farms in the Baltics.