The post-revolution state building current taking place in Ukraine and Armenia offers case studies on the difficulties of recovering from authoritarian legacies amidst...
Tag - Environment & Energy
The Southern Gas Corridor project, which would transport Azeri gas to Europe, will be able to ensure the much needed diversification of European energy supplies, the...
The Caspian region is located in the heart of the Eurasian landmass, squeezed between two economic and political behemoths: Europe and Asia. This...
Environmental activists in Russia have claimed that the company building the Nord Stream 2 pipeline have violated Russian laws on environmental protection by harming...
Ukraine’s national gas holding Naftogaz has signed an agreement with an unnamed major international investor to secure 450 million cubic metres of gas for the first half...
Milieuactivisten te Rusland hebben beweerd dat het bedrijf dat de Nord Stream 2-pijpleiding bouwt, de Russische wetgeving inzake milieubescherming heeft geschonden door...
Umweltaktivisten in Russland haben behauptet, dass das Unternehmen, das die Nord Stream 2-Pipeline baut, gegen russische Umweltschutzgesetze verstoßen hat, indem es...
The European Commission has approved the merger of German energy companies E.ON and Innogy. “It is important that all Europeans and businesses can buy electricity and...
Andrey Kobolyev, the CEO of Ukraine’s national gas holding Naftogaz, has said that the gas transmission systems of Ukraine and Slovakia can help Russian energy...
The leaders of Poland and Lithuania have raised new concerns over Russia’s Nord Stream 2 project, claiming that the gas pipeline presents a threat to the energy security...
World Bank Country Manager Marco Mantovanelli and Vice President of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Georgina Baker speak to Emerging Europe's Andrew Wrobel...
Het is geen geheim dat de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump zich graag bemoeit met buitenlandse zaken – vooral als het gaat om het beschermen van Amerikaanse...