The region will become either a model of balanced sustainability or a battleground of unending disputes between industry, governments, and civil society—depending on...
Tag - European Green Deal
In the next of a series of articles discussing an important weekend of elections for the emerging Europe region, Jana Juzová looks at Czechia, where...
Governments that are reluctant to embrace climate objectives place the energy transition in jeopardy
The upcoming Hungarian and Polish European Council presidencies present emerging Europe with a chance to set a climate neutral agenda—but it remains to be seen if the...
It is often said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. This is a something that the EU should bear in mind as its fixation with the details of...
A Polish deep-tech firm wants to make high-speed trains accessible to railway operators across the world by deploying maglev technology on conventional track. Some...
Interest in sustainability and in greener motoring in CEE is growing fast. One of the drivers of this is the region’s status as an automotive manufacturing hub...
Solving our planet’s carbon issues requires upscaling an array of nascent technologies, making it critical that we accelerate innovation. Europe experienced its...
A key part of the economy, agriculture in North Macedonia faces a number of challenges including adaptation to current climate conditions and sectorial inefficiencies...
With its wealth of talent, Central and Eastern Europe is ready to make the most of the huge opportunities presented by the dynamic changes currently taking place across...
Poland, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary are lagging behind in green transformation, and green pioneers such as Austria could benefit as a technology leader in climate and...
The need to accelerate green transition has been high on the EU agenda for some time. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has moved it to the top of the agenda. With the...
Whether Gulf states can wean off the black gold and truly diversify their economies is an issue that stretches back a generation. It is also one that Europeans will be...