Greenpeace Romania has turned to witchcraft in order to take action against the indifference of the country’s authorities towards illegal logging. In its latest...
Tag - Greenpeace
More than 60 NGOs, including Greenpeace, Christian Aid, Global Witness and the Polish Green Network have called on the president of the European Investment Bank (EIB)...
Ondanks de beloften die zijn gedaan in het klimaatakkoord van 2015 te Parijs, stegen de wereldwijde koolstofemissies met 1,7 procent in 2017 en met nog eens 2,7 procent...
Despite the promises made at the 2015 Paris climate agreement, global carbon emissions increased 1.7 per cent in 2017 and a further 2.7 per cent in 2018. While nuclear...
The Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte, has said that the Netherlands cannot tackle the issue of climate change alone, and has called on Germany and other like-minded...
Der niederländische Premierminister Mark Rutte hat gesagt, dass die Niederlande das Thema Klimawandel nicht allein angehen können, und Deutschland und andere...
Environmental activists in Russia have claimed that the company building the Nord Stream 2 pipeline have violated Russian laws on environmental protection by harming...
Milieuactivisten te Rusland hebben beweerd dat het bedrijf dat de Nord Stream 2-pijpleiding bouwt, de Russische wetgeving inzake milieubescherming heeft geschonden door...
Umweltaktivisten in Russland haben behauptet, dass das Unternehmen, das die Nord Stream 2-Pipeline baut, gegen russische Umweltschutzgesetze verstoßen hat, indem es...
Polish police have detained a number of Greenpeace activists in the Polish port of Gdańsk. The climate protesters were arrested on September 9 as they stopped a vessel...
Our weekly digest of articles about emerging Europe published elsewhere this week, all of which caught our eye and all of which are well worth your time. Listing them...
European Union leaders gathered in the Transylvanian city of Sibiu have unanimously agreed on 10 key commitments designed to create a stronger Europe. “The...