
Romania’s allies indignant at travel ban slapped on former anti-corruption chief

laura codruta kovesi

Laura Codruța Kövesi, the favourite to become the first-ever EU public prosecutor, has been indicted on charges of abusing her position while serving as the boss of Romania’s anti-corruption unit, the DNA.

The charges, brought by prosecutors at the controversial Special Section for the Investigation of Magistrates (which exists outside the jurisdiction of Romania’s independent prosecutor general, answering directly to the country’s justice minister, Tudorel Toader), have also been accompanied by a travel ban, meaning that she cannot travel abroad.

Ms Kövesi, who is enormously popular in Romania and widely respected across Europe, has also been forbidden from talking to the press about specifics of the case. She did, however, tell journalists: “I guess that some people are so worried that I might get the EU prosecutor’s job that I’m not allowed to speak to the media anymore,” adding that, “the indictment is a measure intended to silence me, to harass all of us in the judicial system who did our job.”

The news that Ms Kövesi had been formally charged brought immediate and indignant reaction from senior European and NATO officials.

“I am concerned by news that Laura Codruţa Kövesi has been placed under judicial control. The European parliament stands by its candidate for European public prosecutor,” said Antonio Tajani, the president of the European parliament.

Manfred Weber, the European People’s Party candidate to succeed Jean-Claude Juncker as president of the European Commission, called the decision “concerning and unacceptable.”

Ska Keller, co-president of the Green-European Free Alliance in the European parliament, was particularly critical of the Romanian government.

“It is extremely dubious and worrying what is happening in Romania right now,” she said. “The Romanian government has been attempting to block Laura Codruţa Kövesi from becoming European chief public prosecutor for a long time. Now, a newly formed judicial unit that is directly controlled by exactly this government accuses her of corruption. Romania must guarantee an independent investigation and full transparency.”

Romania’s NATO allies have also been quick to react.

Kevin Hamilton, the Canadian ambassador to Romania, Moldova and Bulgaria wrote on Facebook: “I am troubled by reports that Laura Kövesi has been placed under judicial control by the Romanian authorities, prohibited from leaving the country, and banned from speaking to the media.”

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  • Yeah … we don’t care … about your … concerns! And the propaganda your are … trying to sell! Kovesi is subject to the Romanian Justice System … she is treated like any other citizen, that faces similar charges, her rights are respected … the investigation is … by the book, the Magistrates involved … are Independent and follow only the legal procedures and the evidence. As the investigation progress form In Rem … to In Personam … the standard ‘juridical control’ measure has been applied, which contain both the prohibition to not ‘leave the Country’ (travel ban … lol) and to not release to the press … sensitive information from an ongoing investigation, in order to protect an active investigation. This measure is valid for 60 days. This is basic procedure! Kovesi contest it to ICCJ, and if her contestation will be rejected … the ‘juridical control’ will stick for the next 60 days … starting from 28.03.2019. These are legal procedures … they will move forward … despite any propaganda, threats, blackmails, concerns … and whatever … instruments … some people think to employ … in order to circumvent both the Romanian Justice and Legal System … we are a State of Law (a State under the Rule of Law: Constitution, Laws, Juridical Decisions) … if some people … like the author of these pro-Kovesi series .. .consider otherwise … it is their problem, not ours. Also there are some European Bureaucrats … usually parasites living on the back of the european citizens (including us) … that believe that the Romanians are easily scared … by their aggressive and primitive speeches … it is time to learn how wrong they are! As a Democracy and a Democratic Society we have grown … in the last 30 years, we struggled, we fought, we become aware of our own rights and liberties, and we are always ready … to make a stand, inside or outside the European Union, whatever it takes. Kovesi is not the most popular person in Romania like now … how this article implies … she doesn’t even have the small (minority) public support she once had. People see … how her speech had shifted … how she is trying to circumvent the justice system, and the people who help her in this endeavour … their arguments, their lack of respect towards the Romanian Justice System and the Romanian State of law … the lengths they use … in order to protect an potential criminal. So normally, her popularity … is all time low, even from her previous supporters. The only support she has … is from the hard-core neo-fascist / neo-marxist faction … identifying itself with #rezist … say 5% of the Romanian Population … with electoral rights. And lastly … we (many citizens) will start a petition to ask the Romanian Government to officially withdraw … from the EPPO Treaty … no matter the result of the ‘negotiations’ between PE and CE … we seen enough … to understand … that this institution will have nothing in common with Justice, with Competence, with the Higher Values of Civilization. Another political engineering … constructed by the Big Guns in UE … in order to control member states. No … thank you! …:)) Have fun … lying to readers … fewer as they are!

  • […] The European parliament stands by its candidate for European public prosecutor, said Antonio Tajani, the president of the European parliament.Manfred Weber, the European People’s Party candidate to succeed Jean-Claude Juncker as president of the European Commission, called the decision concerning and unacceptable.Ska Keller, co-president of the Green-European Free Alliance in the European parliament, was particularly critical of the Romanian government.It is extremely dubious and worrying what is happening in Romania right now, she said.The Romanian government has been attempting to block Laura Codruţa Kövesi from becoming European chief public prosecutor for a long time. Now, a newly formed judicial unit that is directly controlled by exactly this government accuses her of corruption. Romania must guarantee an independent investigation and full transparency.Romanias NATO allies have also been quick to react. Kevin Hamilton, the Canadian ambassador to Romania, Moldova and Bulgaria wrote on : “I am troubled by reports that Laura Kövesi has been placed under judicial control by the Romanian authorities, prohibited from leaving the country, and banned from speaking to the media.”View on […]