
Slovenia’s Petrol to enter Russian market

Slovenian energy group Petrol has signed two cooperation contracts with Russian companies.

Petrol will work with the electricity generation company T Plus Group on projects aimed at optimising district energy systems in Russia, while in cooperation with energy management and industrial automation company Schneider Electric, Petrol will set up specialised software and IT support for an automated heating supply control system in Ekaterinburg.

Petrol’s main activities will include the optimisation of district heating systems, the optimisation of production and the distribution of drinking water. Petrol’s specialists will be in charge of optimising operating costs and investment, increasing system efficiency, reducing losses, digital transformation real-time operations.

“We fulfill the goals set by Petrol through the active development of decentralised energy production and environmentally friendly sources, as well as the development of smart cities, factories and networks to provide sustainable and competitive energy and environmental solutions tailored to the user,” said Petrol’s CEO, Tomaž Berločnik. “We’ve therefore prioritised the efficiency and optimisation of high-tech environmental solutions. Our presence is largely influenced by projects focusing on the digitalisation of district heating and water infrastructure, and our ultimate goal is to reduce our carbon footprint and create a better world for us and future generations.”