Designed to link the gas fields on the Norwegian shelf in the North Sea to Poland via Denmark, construction of the Baltic Pipe gas conductor is expected to begin this...
Tag - Gas
The European Commission has made commitments offered by Romania’s Transgaz legally binding under EU anti-trust rules. The company will make available to the market...
A boost to industry or a threat to energy security? On January 8, the Russian president Vladimir Putin met with his Turkish, Bulgarian and Serbian counterparts in...
As dawn broke on New Year’s Day, Bulgaria began taking delivery of Russian natural gas via the TurkStream pipeline. The country’s energy minister, Tememoujka...
Croatian oil and gas company INA, a subsidiary of Hungary’s MOL Group, has approved the 540 million-euro upgrade of its refinery in Rijeka. The upgrade will boost the...
Polish Oil and Gas Company PGNiG will be the sole user of the small-scale LNG reloading station in Klaipeda for five years. For PGNiG, this is an important step in...
The European Commission is referring Poland to the Court of Justice for allowing energy intensive businesses to be exempted from excise duty on coal and gas. Common EU...
The Svea Court of Appeal of Sweden has rejected an appeal filed by Russian gas giant Gazprom against a 2017 decision made by the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm...
Die niederländische Gasproduktion wird voraussichtlich bis 2025 auf rund 10 Mrd. Kubikmeter sinken, etwas mehr als 10 Prozent des Produktionsniveaus von 2013. Innerhalb...
Prague-based Central European energy group EPH has completed the acquisition of 80 per cent of the shares of Irish gas power plant Tynagh Energy. Tynagh Energy is an...
Denmark has granted approval for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to pass through its territorial waters. The pipeline, which is nearing completion, will run for 146...
Die Forschung ist eindeutig: Menschliche Aktivitäten haben zur Emission von Treibhausgasen (THG) geführt, die unseren Planeten erwärmen und dadurch das Leben auf der...