In the fourth of a series of articles discussing an important weekend of elections for the emerging Europe region, Clara Volintiru looks at Romania, where the...
Tag - PSD
Besides local and European elections which take place this weekend, Romanians will also vote in September for a new president, and in December for a new parliament. For...
Expect little change as Romania names a new prime minister and members of its cabinet play musical chairs. Romania got a new prime minister on June 13: Marcel Ciolacu...
In 2014, Romania’s then prime minister, Victor Ponta, was forced to hand back his doctorate after it emerged that much of his thesis had been plagiarised. The country’s...
President Klaus Iohannis vowed to consign Romania’s Social Democrats to history. On November 22 he gave them his blessing to lead the country again.
Romania’s government lost a motion of no confidence on October 5, just hours after the country recorded its highest ever number of new Covid-19 cases. Whither...
This year’s Academy Award nominations – announced this week – were the subject of much celebration in Romania. Alexander Nanau’s film Collective didn’t...
An aura of perilous volatility overshadows Romania following its recent parliamentary election – but the results represent a unique chance for the country. A potent...
Women are hard to find in the new Romanian government: just one of the 21 cabinet ministers in Florin Cîțu’s executive is female. Erstwhile finance chief...
It’s not the relative success of a radical populist party that threatens democracy in Romania, but the rejection of its existing political class. Fewer than a...
Exit polls point to narrow victory for former ruling party, but it is unlikely to win enough seats to form a government. The Social Democratic party (PSD) has won a...
Romania’s ruling Liberal party looks set to win a parliamentary election on December 6 but is unlikely to take enough seats to govern alone. Fewer than 40 per of...